Beast of Gaiya- Part Two

Beast of Gaiya

           “Awaken my champion, she needs your aid, quickly you must hurry!”, That was the last thing I heard before I awoken in this new land. Surrounded by trees, I did not know where I was, nor where I was to go. The winds howled with chilling gusts, the ground sprayed with frost, I was alone, not a single creature to be heard.
I had this feeling in my soul, that I was being drawn to someone or something. I could feel the magic within the land it had passed, so I followed the trail. The snow fell heavily onto my thick fur and my antlers began to sprout icicles, but I could not feel the cold. This was not normal snow though, it was conjured by magic, I could feel the magic in the air, it was everywhere. Am I to stop this-was I to find the person who created this I thought.
 I continued to walk through the trees until I felt it-the source of the lingering magic and I made my way towards it. I could see in the distant it was a creature, a woman in pain, hunched over crying in agony. As I made my way towards her she fainted, I nudged my head against her body and immediately her mouth opened, gasping for air. 
Her eyes shined bright red, her hair draped across her shoulders, she was a marvelous creature I’d gazed upon. “Are you alright?” I asked her, she had a look of confusion on her face. “It’s you! You’re the creature from my vision, from my dream.” she responded. Now I was the one with confusion. “You know who I am?” I asked, “No, only that in my dream, there was a shadowy figure in the distant and I think that figure is you.” she said. She stood up and we both gazed upon one another for a few seconds. She then asked who I was, I told her my name is Ranew and in response said her name was Dahlia.
 She then asked and wondered what I was, she had never seen a creature like me before. Dahlia admired my unique features, my grassy fur, magenta eyes, and massive horns. I told her why I’d come to her, about the magic trail she left and the magic in the air. She told me the magic in the air was her brother's Janu and that she is travelling to the Heart of Eternity to stop him.
            Dahlia and I continued our journey towards the Heart of Eternity, as we walked I asked “Why does your brother want the Heart of Eternity?” Dahlia nodded her head “I don’t know for sure, but seeing him slaughter my town, abducting my companion, and killing me; I know it can’t be good.” she said. I stopped for a moment looking at Dahlia “He killed you?” I asked with confusion. “Yes, when he ambushed my town, his magic was unstable and chaotic, it swept through like chilling winds freezing everyone. I tried to stop him, but he was too strong and in the end I was dead, until I felt the warmth and soothing voice giving me strength. Next thing I knew I woke up and everyone around me was dead and Janu had taken my beloved with him.” she replied as her eyes watered remembering the tragic event.
            “I’m sorry.” I said and then I continued to ask Dahlia about this companion of hers, wondering why her brother would take him. Dahlia wiped the tears from her eyes “My companion isn’t just my lover, he is also the guardian to the Heart of Eternity. The guardian is the only one able to access the Heart of Eternity, but I have no idea what Janu plans to do with the heart.” she said. “Then we must hurry and not wait to find out.” I responded.
            Dahlia and I walked for miles until nightfall. We decided to rest until dawn, Dahlia and I talked until she fell asleep. She laid her body next to mine and I could feel the warmth of her body and her hair touching my hair. I stared at her for a moment before gazing upon the night sky stargazing and wondering about the where the Stars are now.
            Dawn finally arrived, Dahlia was still sleeping I told her that we must go, but she was not responding or moving. I nudged her, but there was no response. I screamed her name “Dahlia! Dahlia! DAHLIA!” over and over I repeated her name, but still no response. I then stood over her body asking for Gaiya’s help—I started to feel a surge of energy flow through me, my antlers glowed with intensity and I let out a deep breath blowing the energy into Dahlia’s mouth. I waited a few seconds and then minutes, until she gasped. She stared at me “What happened to me?” she asked. “You were not waking up, I called your name, but you never responded. I thought you were dead.” I said.
          “I felt dead” she looked at me with sadness “It was so cold, everything was gone, there was nothing. I heard the voice and then it faded like the voice died with me.” Dahlia said with tears flowing down her cheeks. That’s when I finally realized why I was sent to help Dahlia. “Dahlia we can’t afford to lose any more time” I stared out to the world looking at the journey ahead “You being reborn, the voice, your pain it’s all connected.” I said. “What are you talking about?” she asked, “Janu wants to destroy the Heart of Eternity and if he succeeds, then Gaiya and everything and everyone will die too.” I said worryingly.
Dahlia still had a look of confusion on her face “But what does that have to do with me?” she said. “Don’t you see? When I found you, you were in pain and just now when you felt dead. You and Gaiya are connected ever since you were revived. When you’re in pain, so is Gaiya and when you’re dying so is Gaiya.” I said with a sorrowful look. Dahlia stood up looking at me and nodded.
I told Dahlia that we were getting closer to the Heart of Eternity, the Hidden Grove concealing the heart isn’t far from here. We started our journey towards the grove. There was no more time to waste, soon our paths with Janu will cross.


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