Shadows of the Hidden Grove- Part Five

Shadows of the Hidden Grove

           Nightfall shrouded the land as we arrived to the Hidden Grove. I could sense a feeling of uneasiness as we entered the grove. As Dahlia and I made our way into the grove I could see Dahlia clinging to her necklace gazing at it not knowing what will happen when we confront her brother, Janu.
            The wildlife inside the grove seemed to be untouched by Janu’s magic, but as we journeyed deeper into the grove the air began to become more frigid and dense. The winds blew with a chilling cold. Every step we took crunched as the ground was blanketed in snow. The trees around us had ice engulfing their rooted bodies. Never have I sense so much raw magic from a single creature before.
            I could see the worry on Dahlia’s face as she looked at the damage her brother had caused. “It’s happening again” she muttered. I looked at her and I could see her grasping her chest—the constant pain she felt during our journey returned. “It hurts!” Dahlia cried out. I maneuvered my body under Dahlia’s to prevent her from collapsing. 
           “Breathe” I told her, “The pain will soon fade, just bear through it a little longer.” Dahlia clenched onto my body, I could feel her arms wrapped around my body squeezing as tight as she could just to escape the pain. I concentrated transferring some of my energy into Dahlia as she squeezed tighter and tighter until finally, her arms unwrapped from my body. The pain faded for now, but I assured Dahlia if we do not get to the heart now, the next time the pain returns may be her last and Gaiya’s itself.
           “What will you do when we confront your brother?” I asked her. 
           “Remind him who and what we are, protectors” she answered.
“Will you do what it takes to protect Gaiya? Will you kill your brother if that is what it takes to stop him?” I calmly asked her. She grabbed her necklace tightening her grip, “Let us hope it does not come to that.” Dahlia looked at me and I could see the fear in her vibrant bloodstone eyes at the thought of killing her own brother. Not just any brother, her own twin, her best friend, her love.
As we continued our walk deeper into the grove, I could see the entranced to the heart. But as we approached closer toward the entrance, Dahlia ran towards to what looked like to be another creature. She kneeled down cradling the creature—crying out to the creature, but it was no use.
“Gai!” Dahlia repeated, I could sense the magic within the creature, it was the guardian. Dahlia’s eyes swelled with tears as she held the deceased creature. The creature’s lifeless corpse laid in Dahlia’s arms, cold and pale—the color in its eyes faded. I reassured Dahlia that we must continue on, that the life had faded the creature. She continued to weep and grieve over the lifeless corpse, but soon she would rise to her feet and lay a kiss on the creature.
“I’m sorry Gai, my love” she whispered. “This is it, the entrance to the Heart of Eternity.” I said. She looked up and stared at the entrance for a few seconds. “This is the entrance, a tree?” she questioned “I remember this tree, this is the tree I found Gai by.” I could sense the connection between Dahlia and the creature named Gai must’ve been strong. I gazed up looking at the monstrous tree, the branches were frozen and the leaves that were once clinging to the branches were scattered across the ground.
“How do we get inside if this is the entranced? Dahlia asked. “With a guardian.” I answered. She looked over at Gai, “But Gai, he was the guardian and now he’s dead.” I walked closer toward the tree, placing my head on the tree. “Yes, Gai was a guardian, but just like me, Gai was created from Gaiya’s essence.” I channeled my energy into the tree concentrating as long as I could and with a blinding flash, the tree began to split open. I felt weakened by the amount of energy I used during our journey. I could barely stand straight, but I knew I was sent to help Dahlia and I continued to push on.
           Before we decided to enter the tree, I made my way over to Gai. I could still feel a spark of magic inside of him. His lifeless body laid cold, almost frozen from the intense winds. I lowered my head towards his and as we touched one another a burst of light erupted.
           I felt an intense rush flow throughout my head. A headache that lingered with severe pain. But what I saw was undeniable, memories after memories kept flooding my head. It was Gai's, the emptiness I have felt since I woke up was now filled. Gai was now a part of me. As the headache ceased, Gai's body began to slowly faded away.
           "What's happening to him?" Dahlia asked me. Her eyes began to flood with tears. I looked at her, assuring her that everything was alright. "I remember everything Dahlia, the love you two shared with one another." I said comforting her. She hugged me, holding me, her touch filled me with warmth and happiness.
           "How is that possible?" she wondered, though she may have already known the answer. But this was no time to explain. I promised Dahlia I would explain once this was all over. Reminding her that Janu was minutes away from achieving his goal.
  “This is it Dahlia we must go now!” I roared out as I remembered our mission. She nodded her head racing inside the tree and I followed behind. This was it, soon Gaiya’s fate will rest upon Dahlia’s decision. What will she decide, I wondered...


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