The Frost Witch- Part Three

The Frost Witch

           The moon shined radiantly through the glass windows of the ballroom, the frost ceiling sparkled with glittering ice. The people of Frostpillar danced gracefully and majestically, but there was one who danced with such beauty and magic that she captured the attention of a handsome witch. He was the most stunning creature in the room, his hair frosted silver, his piercing blue eyes, and his devilish smile. Everyone knew who he was, he had the presence of a prince and the people loved and praised him.
            He approached the lovely woman asking her to dance with him, she smiled and nodded. Together they were beautiful, every step they took was filled with grace, the people were mesmerized and enchanted by the two.
            “What is your name?” he asked, blushing she smiled “Lyssandria.”
           “That’s a beautiful name. I am Janu” he said gazing into her eyes. She smiled “I know who you are, your reputation precedes you”. The two danced all through the night, they talked and enjoyed each other company. Eventually, the two would fall in love after that night and months later they would be wed.
            Months after their wedding, the love they both shared for one another would continue to grow and flourish. The two spent countless hours together, studying and learning from one another. Janu taught Lyssandria how to hunt and nurture her magic and in turn she would teach Janu about the arts—how to paint, to sing. It has been years since Janu was this happy, the last time he’s been this happy was the last moments he spent with his sister, Dahlia.
           Dahlia and Janu were inseparable in their childhood, they were the first and only twin witches born of Gaiya. The two of them became closer to one another than the other four of their siblings. Eventually, the time came for the two to separate and fulfill their duties as witches—each sibling scattered across different lands of Gaiya. However, Dahlia would remain on the continent Gaiya, while Janu would be located to the cold north. On their last day together Janu crafted a pendant for Dahlia—a dahlia encased in ice and with their final moments they said their farewells.
           Lyssandria had reminded Janu of his dearest sister and he vowed never to waste a single moment. One day, Lyssandria travelled and hiked the mountain of Frostfall, but a devastating storm made its way towards the mountain leaving Lyssandria lost. She tried to find her way down the mountain, but the storm brought powerful winds eventually causing Lyssandria to slip. As she fell she braced herself for impact and whispered her final words “Goodbye Janu.” Her body crashed onto the snow covered ground beneath her—her neck snapped from the impact and her body laid cold and lifeless. 
            Janu waited for Lyssandria, he had prepared dinner for her return. Hours past and Lyssandria still had not return. Worried, Janu decided to venture off into the storm to find her. He used his magic to protect him against the storms fury and made his way towards the mountain. As he approached the mountain he noticed footprints leading up the mountains path. Janu followed the footprints until he stumbled across a group of people huddled around an object that laid in the snow. As Janu came closer to the people he noticed their faces had a look of sadness and as he finally approached the mysterious object, he saw her. Her cold, lifeless body laid frozen in the snow and Janu immediately dropped to his knees as he saw Lyssandria.
He held her in his arms crying out unleashing an immense amount of magic that knocked down the people around him. He wept for his dead wife, his eyes sparkled brighter as tears raced down his cheeks. Janu carried his wife back home and later that night he would use his magic to commune with Gaiya. Janu casted his spell that allowed him to speak with Gaiya, he pleaded with Gaiya to revive Lyssandria, but Gaiya refused.
“Why, why will you not bring her back?” he asked with tears filling his eyes. Gaiya’s voice spoke soothingly “I am sorry, but that is the way of nature, every living creature must succumb to death eventually.” Janu’s face soon filled with anger, his voice thundered with rage “Am I not one of the six witches sworn to protect you from malevolent forces? You are the one who made me abandon my sister, I have been alone without her for years until I met Lyssandria. She reminded me of having someone to love and be with, until you took her away. All I ask is for you to bring her back. Please.”
Gaiya’s voice still calm and soothing spoke “I am sorry Janu, sometimes we must suffer in order to become stronger.”
“Enough with your words!” Janu shouted
“All these years I have been a fool. You don’t care about any of us except for yourself! You don’t care who dies as long as it isn’t you. I will make you suffer as I did, I will be the one to end you!”
Janu ended his spell and as he emerged from the spell, the look in his eyes filled with hatred and resentment. He went over to Lyssandria’s corpse and encased her body in ice. He told her he would bring her back.
Days after his conversation with Gaiya, Janu had been studying about the ancient history of Gaiya. He spent endless nights researching and as the days past, his magic grew more and more powerful each day. As his magic grew, the people of Frostpillar became fearful of Janu. Janu eventually found the information he needed and set for his journey that would lead him face to face with his sister.


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